Ava Kwok
NFT Art Artist

Ava Kwok is a NFT Art Artist and Designer based in Hong Kong. She is an expert in brand building and experienced in designing marketing materials and related graphics for well known brands and products. She is also interested in the study of Chinese metaphysics (Feng Shui, BaZi etc). She often applies Feng Shui elements  to her designs and help clients to become more successful……

NFT Art.

If you believe in the Power of the ancient Chinese Feng Shui can bring you prosperous, health and wealth, then you will be interested in this series of Feng Shui NFTs.

Ava Kwok broke the tradition of Chinese style Feng Shui painting by mixing in western elements to create unique, modern and innovative NFT Art pieces……

To see Ava Kwok’s design profolio



To see Ava Kwok’s design profolio